
The Reality of Biblical Theology

by Mark W. Elliott (Author)
©2007 Monographs 392 Pages
Series: Religions and Discourse, Volume 39


This book demonstrates a number of approaches made by biblical scholars to find a theology of the Christian Scripture. It then considers attempts to bridge the gap between exegesis and dogmatics by appeal to the discipline of ‘fundamental theology’ and the doctrine of Revelation. It finds that, for all the interesting questions raised, one is forced back to the Bible from where one must form the themes and concepts which have been developed by theologians through the ages, and which with help from biblical historical critics can be made to refresh theology and serve the Church. This is done by examining the role of ‘faith’ in the two testaments and by considering how the Bible’s understanding of that which receives revelation is itself useful for the total enterprise of theology.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Bibel Old Testament Dogmatic Theologie Fundamentaltheologie Offenbarung Revelation New Testament Exegesis
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2007. 392 pp.

Biographical notes

Mark W. Elliott (Author)

The Author: Mark W. Elliott holds degrees from Oxford and Aberdeen and a Ph.D. from Cambridge. He has worked as a lecturer at Nottingham and Liverpool Hope Universities and is currently Lecturer in Church History at the University of St Andrews. Work for this book was carried out during stays at the Universities of Heidelberg (2002) and Munich (2005 and 2006).


Title: The Reality of Biblical Theology