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Textbook XVI, 226 Pages

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For the student: This is what you should demand.
For the institution: This is what you should provide.
Disability and the University: A Disabled Students’ Manifesto, 2nd edition is a guide to what students with disabilities need to know about attending university, as well as to the essential supports and rights universities should provide. Each chapter represents a benchmark for students to follow as they travel through the institution, and lays clear what they should expect in the post Covid world.
Written by those who have traversed the terrain of higher education, this book is not about disabled students, but instead is a manifesto, a call for change, a call to action. It is guide book, blueprint, and tool for both students and universities.


XVI, 226
Publication date
2023 (February)
Higher education disability inclusion university student rights accessibility political activity Disability and the University A Disable Students’ Manifesto, 2nd edition Christopher McMaster Ben Whitburn
New York, Berlin, Bruxelles, Chennai, Lausanne, Oxford, 2025. XVI, 226 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Anonym (Author)

Christopher McMaster (PhD) is the author of Educating all: Developing inclusive school cultures from within published by Peter Lang, and Radical Behavior: Humanizing the Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) published by Southern Skies Publications. He is the creator and lead editor of the Survive and Succeed postgraduate student support series, with editions published in the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Scandinavia. Christopher has recently been an Assistant Professor of Education, Special Education at Augsburg University, Minneapolis, USA. He has since returned to his adopted home of New Zealand where he taught in the local community on a Pacific voyaging canoe. He writes both fiction and non-fiction, including seven novels, two anthologies of short stories and poetry, and has edited collected fiction works. His author website is: www.christophermcmaster.com Ben Whitburn is Associate Professor at the Southampton Education School. Ben undertakes research to build institutional capacity to account more effectively for diverse ways of knowing and being. Ben has published a body of literature in the interdisciplinary field of critical disability studies that reaffirms disability as productive potential.


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