%0 Book %A Ladislav Tkáčik %D 2016 %C Berlin, Germany %I Peter Lang Verlag %@ 2366-2697 %@ 9783653066456 %T Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics %R 10.3726/978-3-653-06645-6 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1050468 %X To be confronted with a text can lead us to open our own living world, to its expansion and saturation with something new or even with something else, something unpredictable. What then makes a human a human? Can philosophical hermeneutics say anything about that? It can! «Language is the real centre of a human being… The human is a real, as Aristotle used to say, being who has language» (Hans-Georg Gadamer). What makes a human a human is the fact that internal reflection is performed behind his voice. This is the most original topic of philosophical hermeneutics. %K interpretation, language, understanding, textuality, history %G English