%0 Book %A Susan B. Barnes %D 2017 %C New York, United States of America %I Peter Lang Verlag %@ 2153-277X %@ 9781453917916 %T Branding as Communication %R 10.3726/978-1-4539-1791-6 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1051607 %X Once only a sign, technologies have helped to transform brands into symbols that we constantly encounter in our natural and mediated environments. Moreover, the branding of culture marks a commercialization of society. Almost everywhere we look, a brand name or logo appears. By combining a scholarly approach with case studies and examples, this text bridges the worlds of communication and business by providing a single vocabulary in which to discuss branding. It brings these ideas together into a coherent framework to enable discussions on the topic to occur in a variety of disciplines. A number of perspectives are also provided, including brands as signs and symbols, brand personality, history, communication, cognitive factors, loyalty, personal branding, community, and social issues. Providing a comprehensive overview of the branding process – from the creation of brands to analysis of their messages – readers will begin to understand the communicative impact of branding. %G English