%0 Journal Article %A Raymond Cormier %D 2022 %C Berlin, Germany %I Peter Lang Verlag %J Mediaevistik %@ 2199-806X %N 1 %V 34 %T , ed. Lisa Ciccone; trans. Marylène Possamaï-Pérez; ass. trans. Prunelle Deleville. Textes Littéraires du Moyen Age, 56. Ovidiana Textes, 1. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2020, pp. 942. %B , ed. Frank T. Coulson and Piero Andrea Martina; trans. Piero Andrea Martina and Clara Wille; principal editor Richard Trachsler; assistant trans. Maurizio Busca. Textes Littéraires du Moyen Age, 62. Ovidiana Textes, 2. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2021, pp. 822. %R 10.3726/med.2021.01.110 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1238935 %X There is a lot to like in these two tomes, a fair amount to critique as well. The first, hitting nearly one thousand words, is the less approachable of the two. With its 100-page introduction, the volume does leave one breathless and exhausted, if not somewhat confused. First up, to hand we have not only a translation and allegorization of Ovid’s classic, but also a reading that the late medieval commentators have left us ‒ dating from ca. 1270. This commentary on the first five books of Vat. Lat. 1479 provides precious access to how Ovid’s work was understood at the time, and interpreted with linguistic, mythological, scientific, and moral glosses. The introduction covers early matters, such as the synthesizing fourth-century