%0 Journal Article %A Albrecht Classen %D 2022 %C Berlin, Germany %I Peter Lang Verlag %J Mediaevistik %@ 2199-806X %N 1 %V 32 %T >, ed. Susanna Fein. York: York Medieval Press, 2016; paperback 2018, xi, 6 b/w ill. %R 10.3726/med.2019.01.114 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1272111 %X Even if non-English scholars might not be familiar with the Auchinleck Manuscript (Edinburgh, NLS, MS Advocates 19.2.1), the studies dedicated to this extraordinary collection of English romances and religious narratives from ca. 1330 or 1340 deserve very close attention because of their high scholarly level and their far-reaching implications. The original papers were orally presented at a symposium held at the University College in London in July 2008. It is not clear why it took until 2016 for the volume to appear in print. The present review is based on the paperback edition of 2018.