%0 Book %A Göran Adamson %D 2016 %C Berlin, Germany %I Peter Lang Verlag %@ 9783653057331 %T Populist Parties and the Failure of the Political Elites %B The Rise of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) %R 10.3726/978-3-653-05733-1 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1049219 %X The author analyses the reasons behind the electoral success of European right-wing populist parties. Using the Austrian Freedom Party under Jörg Haider as a case study and with a richness of primary material, he argues that their success is only partly caused by «racism». It is also, and more prominently, the result of populism – i.e. a critique of the «elite». These parties and their voters should not, then, be labelled as arrogant insiders attacking downtrodden outsiders like immigrants, workers, and minorities. Instead, the right-wingers are more justly portrayed as outsiders and underdogs, raising their anger and frustration against the insiders: the «media elite» and the «leftists and the artists». %K Right-wing Appeal, Anti-elitism, Jörg Haider's Appeal, Anti-racist Rhetoric %G English