%0 Book %A Chiara Semplicini %D 2016 %C Oxford, United Kingdom %I Peter Lang Verlag %@ 9783035308204 %T One Word, Two Genders %B Categorization and Agreement in Dutch Double Gender Nouns %R 10.3726/978-3-0353-0820-4 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1052613 %X Dutch is a peculiar language in that certain nouns have more than one gender. This first academic study of double gender nouns (DGNs) in the Dutch language investigates this anomaly. First assigned a lexicological classification, the DGNs are then analysed contextually by means of a corpus study. DGNs are shown to be part of a generalized restructuring of Dutch gender as a whole. No longer a fringe phenomenon in the Dutch gender system, this study shows them to be catalysts in the transition towards a (more) semantic system, a process that is much more advanced than commonly assumed. %K Double Gender Nouns, Dutch, Gender as an Individuation marker %G English