%0 Book %A Hans-Christian Petersen %A Samuel Salzborn %D 2010 %C Berlin, Germany %I Peter Lang Verlag %@ 9783653005547 %T Antisemitism in Eastern Europe %B History and Present in Comparison %R 10.3726/978-3-653-00554-7 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1054299 %X Europe is expanding – and therewith remembers its historical basis, which was hidden beneath the shadow of the Cold War for a long time. This return of a common history which is mostly narrated as a history of success today, however contains the perception of transnational traditions at the same time which by contrast should give reason for a critical self-reflection. This volume gives an impulse through a comparative examination of the still highly actual forms of antisemitism in Europe. The focus will be on the developments in the countries from the Baltic States to South Eastern Europe, which usually are little known in Western Europe. At the same time, the specifities of antisemitism in Eastern Europe are incorporated in the theoretical insights of antisemitism research, thus filling a gap that has existed until now. %K Antijudaism, Political Culture, Nationalism %G English