%0 Book %A Steven Ogden %D 2007 %C Lausanne, Switzerland %I Peter Lang Verlag %T The Presence of God in the World %B A Contribution to Postmodern Christology based on the Theologies of Paul Tillich and Karl Rahner %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1104154 %X Detailed analyses of Karl Krolow's autobiographical poetry, 1945-1958. Among others: «Selbstbildnis 1945», «Niemand wird helfen» (1950), «Robinson I-III» (1958). To ascertain the foreign influence, poems of the fifties are compared to French poems of similar theme, Krolow had translated. Example: Reverdy's «Monsieur X». Marked differences in content and analytical methods: Sole focus on Krolow's autobiographical poetry, 1945-1958. Detailed interpretations of the same. Comparison with relevant French poems. By contrast: A. Rümmler, Die Entwicklung der Metaphorik in der Lyrik Karl Krolows (1942-1962) (Lang, 1972) and unpublished dissertation of T. Drevikovsky. %K New York (NY), Polizei, Festnahme, Entscheidungsfindung, Umfrage, Arrest, Discretion, Police, Overtime, History /Religion, Körperkommunikation, Parzival, themes, imperialism, nationalism, Wolfram (von Eschenbach), Feirefiz, Körperschrift, Sippe, Taufe, Tillich, Paul, Christologie, Gegenwart Gottes, Rahner, Karl, Theology, New York City Police Department %G English