%0 Book %A Ceren Yegen %A Nurettin Güz %D 2018 %C Berlin, Germany %I Peter Lang Verlag %@ 9783631767245 %T Media with its news, approaches and fractions in the new media age %R 10.3726/b14657 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1110604 %X The digital era we are in is presenting a series of innovations every day. Today, technology is becoming a decisive factor in everyday life as well as in professional life. Every day, new media, which develop at a fast pace, influence many areas from everyday relations to professions and transform media. For example, the traditional media today has to adapt to new communication technologies and new media-based platforms. However, new forms of journalism and their tendencies are the ones that have a negative effect on the traditional media. Therefore, it is important to understand the situation of the traditional media in the new media age. This book will serve as a guide to understanding the new media – which stand as a great power against the traditional media today – as well as the structure of its environments and its potentialities. %K New Journalism, Media Transformation, Citizen Journalism, Data Journalism, Mobile Reporting, Local Media %G English