%0 Journal Article %A Liu Keyi %D 2024 %C Berlin, Germany %I Peter Lang Verlag %J Asian Musicology %@ 2832-1197 %N 1 %V 33 %T Dancing along the Rivers: Shared Cultural Identity and Musical Diversity among the Lisu 傈僳 of Yunnan Province, China %R 10.3726/JAM331_61 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1510521 %X The Lisu are a trans-border ethnic group found in Yunnan, SW China and also in neighboring states including Myanmar, Thailand, Northern India, and the Philippines. This paper explores the processes through which Lisu in Yunnan create music and dance, and their musical cultural fusions and collisions with neighboring ethnic groups. It asks how Lisu identify themselves in such a multi-ethnic cultural environment, and in the broader contexts of Chinese governmental policies and a dominant Han culture, using case studies from three types of Lisu participant dances: %K Lisu culture, dance and music, identity, diversity