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Faire famille sans faire couple
Comprendre l’hétérogénéisation des parcours familiaux©2022 Monographs -
Lingua Barbara or the Mystery of the Other
Otherness and Exteriority in Modern European Poetry©2012 Monographs -
Symbolic Patterns of Childbirth
©2016 Monographs -
Das Verschwinden des Erzählers
Erzähltheoretische Analysen von Erzählungen Tayama Katais aus den Jahren 1902-1908©2006 Thesis -
Environmental Argument and Cultural Difference
Locations, Fractures and Deliberations©2008 Conference proceedings -
Culture and Identity in Study Abroad Contexts
After Australia, French without France©2007 Monographs -
Globalization, Sport and Corporate Nationalism
The New Cultural Economy of the New Zealand All Blacks©2010 Monographs -
Quand la parenté impose, le don dispose
Organisation sociale, don et identité dans les communautés mapuche de la province de Neuquén (Argentine)©2011 Thesis -
Mapping the Tasteland
Explorations in Food and Wine in Argentinean and European Culture©2014 Monographs -
Shakespeare y sus traductores
Análisis crítico de siete traducciones españolas de obras de Shakespeare©2007 Monographs