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  • Title: TV Transformations & Transgressive Women

    TV Transformations & Transgressive Women

    From Prisoner: Cell Block H to Wentworth
    by Radha O’Meara (Volume editor) Tessa Dwyer (Volume editor) Stayci Taylor (Volume editor) Craig Batty (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: Transmedia Cultures

    Transmedia Cultures

    A Companion
    by Simon Bacon (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Undead in the 21st Century

    The Undead in the 21st Century

    A Companion
    by Simon Bacon (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Sound of Tartini

    The Sound of Tartini

    Instruments and Performing Practices in His Time
    by Margherita Canale Degrassi (Volume editor) Paolo da Col (Volume editor) 2023
    ©2023 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Scandinavian Invasion

    The Scandinavian Invasion

    Nordic Noir and Beyond
    by Richard McCulloch (Volume editor) William Proctor (Volume editor) 2022
    Edited Collection
  • Title: The Deep

    The Deep

    A Companion
    by Marko Teodorski (Volume editor) Simon Bacon (Volume editor) 2023
    ©2023 Edited Collection
  • Title: Studi Pergolesiani- Pergolesi Studies

    Studi Pergolesiani- Pergolesi Studies

    by Claudio Bacciagaluppi (Volume editor) Marilena Laterza (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Edited Collection
  • Title: Ritualised Belonging

    Ritualised Belonging

    Musicing and Spirituality in the South African Context
    by June Boyce-Tillman (Volume editor) Liesl Van der Merwe (Volume editor) Janelize Morelli (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Edited Collection
  • Title: Pre-Raphaelite Sisters

    Pre-Raphaelite Sisters

    Art, Poetry and Female Agency in Victorian Britain
    by Glenda Youde (Volume editor) Robert Wilkes (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: Partizipation, Vermittlung und Ästhetik im (Musik-)Theater für Kinder und Jugendliche

    Partizipation, Vermittlung und Ästhetik im (Musik-)Theater für Kinder und Jugendliche

    Diskurse zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis
    by Julia Lind (Volume editor) Clara-Franziska Petry (Volume editor) Laura Brechmann (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: On Spectatorship

    On Spectatorship

    An Approach to Contemporary Spanish Theatre
    by Anxo Abuín González (Volume editor) Eduardo Pérez-Rasilla (Volume editor)
    Edited Collection
  • Title: Nordic Design in Translation

    Nordic Design in Translation

    The Circulation of Objects, Ideas and Practices
    by Charlotte Ashby (Volume editor) Shona Kallestrup (Volume editor) 2023
    ©2023 Edited Collection
  • Title: Neo-Disneyism


    Inclusivity in the Twenty-First Century of Disney’s Magic Kingdom
    by Brenda Ayres (Volume editor) Sarah Maier (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: Narrativity and Intermediality in Contemporary Theatre / Narrativité et intermédialité sur la scène contemporaine

    Narrativity and Intermediality in Contemporary Theatre / Narrativité et intermédialité sur la scène contemporaine

    by Alix de Morant (Volume editor) Helga Finter (Volume editor) Eva Holling (Volume editor) Didier Plassard (Volume editor) Bernhard Siebert (Volume editor) Gerald Siegmund (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Edited Collection
  • Title: Music and the Spanish Civil War

    Music and the Spanish Civil War

    by Gemma Pérez-Zalduondo (Volume editor) Iván Iglesias (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2021 Edited Collection
  • Title: MIMOS 2022

    MIMOS 2022

    Barbara Frey
    by Paola Gilardi (Volume editor) Anne Fournier (Volume editor) Andreas Klaeui (Volume editor) 2023
    ©2023 Edited Collection
  • Title: MIMOS 2021

    MIMOS 2021

    Martin Zimmermann
    by Paola Gilardi (Volume editor) Anne Fournier (Volume editor) Andreas Klaeui (Volume editor) Yvonne Schmidt (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: MIMOS 2020

    MIMOS 2020

    Jossi Wieler
    by Paola Gilardi (Volume editor) Anne Fournier (Volume editor) Andreas Klaeui (Volume editor) Yvonne Schmidt (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2021 Edited Collection
  • Title: MIMOS 2019

    MIMOS 2019

    Cie Yan Duyvendak
    by Paola Gilardi (Volume editor) Delphine Abrecht (Volume editor) Anne Fournier (Volume editor) Andreas Klaeui (Volume editor) 2024
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: MIMOS 2017

    MIMOS 2017

    Ursina Lardi
    by Paola Gilardi (Volume editor) Anne Fournier (Volume editor) Andreas Klaeui (Volume editor) Yvonne Schmidt (Volume editor) 2024
    ©2017 Edited Collection
  • Title: Marquer la ville, affirmer l’identité

    Marquer la ville, affirmer l’identité

    Musique, dévotion et espaces nationaux (Italie et anciens Pays-Bas espagnols xvie-xviie siècles)
    by Marie-Alexis Colin (Volume editor) Emilie Corswarem (Volume editor) Charles-Yvan Élissèche (Volume editor) Jorge Morales (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: Magic


    A Companion
    by Katharina Rein (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: Living Song

    Living Song

    Singing, Spirituality, and Wellbeing
    by Karin Hendricks (Volume editor) June Boyce-Tillman (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Edited Collection
  • Title: L’Image hantée

    L’Image hantée

    Horreur et épouvante dans le cinéma et les séries américaines contemporaines
    by Jean-Baptiste Carobolante (Volume editor) Philippe Ortoli (Volume editor) 2024
    ©2023 Edited Collection
  • Title: Jüdisches Kulturerbe MUSIK – Divergenzen und Zeitlichkeit

    Jüdisches Kulturerbe MUSIK – Divergenzen und Zeitlichkeit

    Überlegungen zu einer kulturellen Nachhaltigkeit aus Sicht der Jüdischen Musikstudien
    by Sarah M. Ross (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Edited Collection
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