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Interrupted Stories
Multilingualism in Post-Yugoslav Literature in Germany and Austria©2024 Monographs -
Women in Exile
Feuchtwanger and Gender Dynamics in Exile and Exile Literature©2024 Edited Collection -
In/Securities: Queer Life Narratives of Early Modern Times
In collaboration with Jason Lieblang and Patricia Milewski©2024 Edited Collection -
The Creation of an Avant-Garde Brand
Heiner Müller’s Self-Presentation in the German Public Sphere©2023 Monographs -
Understanding Charles Sealsfield, Understanding America
©2023 Monographs -
Anna Haag and her Secret Diary of the Second World War
A Democratic German Feminist’s Response to the Catastrophe of National Socialism©2023 Monographs -
Underlying Rhythm
On Translation, Communication, and Literary Languages. Essays in Honor of Burton Pike©2023 Edited Collection -
Barbara Honigmann
©2023 Edited Collection -
Literature, Music, Theatre?
The Performative Aspect of Rammstein’s Musical Activity©2022 Monographs -
PASSAGES: Crossings • Borders • Openings
In Conversation with Austrian Writers: The Austrian-American Podium Dialog©2022 Edited Collection -
The Austrian Manuscript Cookery Book in the Long Eighteenth Century
Studies of Form and Function©2022 Thesis