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Confronting Toxic Rhetoric
Writing Teachers’ Experiences of Rupture, Resistance, and Resilience©2025 Monographs -
The Iconic Power of the Short Story
Exploring Culture, Cognition, and Affective Involvement in Seamus Heaney©2024 Monographs -
Mehrsprachigkeits-sensitive Kompetenzen angehender Englischlehrkräfte fördern
Zur Rolle videobasierter Lernumgebungen und individueller Sprach(lern)biographien©2025 Monographs -
Founding Fictions of the Dutch Caribbean
Eric de Brabander's The Life Everlasting of Doña Lisa (Het hiernamaals van Doña Lisa)©2024 Monographs -
Narratives in Modern Arabic Literature
Explorations in Place, Gender, and Ṣūfī Motifs©2024 Monographs -
Timeline and Personification in <I>The Merchant of Venice</I>
Passover, Easter and the Case of the Returning Ships©2024 Monographs -
The Boom & The Boom
Historical Rupture and Political Economy in Contemporary British and Chinese Science Fiction©2024 Monographs -
Shakespeare: Humanität im Spannungsfeld von Kontrast und Konflikt
©2024 Monographs -
The Mirror of Desire Unbidden
Retrieving the Imago Dei in Tolkien and Late Medieval English Literature©2024 Monographs -
Victorian Love Letters in Literature and Art
©2024 Monographs -
Hiberno-English, Ulster Scots and Belfast Banter
Ciaran Carson’s Translations of Dante and Rimbaud©2024 Monographs