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The Short Fiction in Peter Motteux’s «The Gentleman’s Journal» (1692-1694)
A Critical Edition©2024 Others -
Edward Ravenscroft's «Mamamouchi, or The Citizen Turned Gentleman» (1672)
A Critical Edition©2024 Others -
Similes in the Bible (A Compendium)
©2022 Others -
Utopian Effects, Dystopian Pleasures
©2021 Others -
The Works of James Melville
©2019 Others -
Lust’s Dominion; or, the Lascivious Queen / El dominio de la lujuria, o, la reina lasciva (ca. 1598-1600), by/de Thomas Dekker, John Marston, John Day, William Haughton
A critical and annotated edition and translation into Spanish/Edición crítica y anotada y traducción al español©2019 Others -
Jonathan Swift’s Allies
The Wood’s Halfpence Controversy in Ireland, 1724–1725. Second revised and augmented edition©2017 Others -
Englisch lernen mit portablen elektronischen Wörterbüchern
Ergebnisse der Studie Mobile Dictionaries©2016 Others -
«The first wit of the age»
Essays on Swift and his Contemporaries in Honour of Hermann J. Real©2013 Others