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Joan Didion: Life and/with/through Words
©2024 Conference proceedings -
Perspectives on Contemporary English: Structure, Variation, Cognition
©2022 Conference proceedings -
Diversität im Fokus fachdidaktischer und sonderpädagogischer Perspektiven
Inklusiven Englischunterricht planen (lernen)©2021 Conference proceedings -
Classroom Observation
Researching Interaction in English Language Teaching©2020 Conference proceedings -
Ethnicity and Gender Debates
Cross-Readings of American Literature and Culture in the New Millennium©2020 Conference proceedings -
Surveillance | Society | Culture
©2020 Conference proceedings -
Teaching the Bard Today – Shakespeare-Didaktik in Forschung und Lehre
©2019 Conference proceedings -
Current Explorations in Middle English
Selected papers from the 10th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME), University of Stavanger, Norway, 2017©2019 Conference proceedings -
Migrations: Literary and Linguistic Aspects
©2019 Conference proceedings -
Aspects of Medieval English Language and Literature
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics©2018 Conference proceedings -
Processes of Spatialization in the Americas
Configurations and Narratives©2018 Conference proceedings -
Universitäre Englischlehrerbildung
Wege zu mehr Kohärenz im Studium und Korrespondenz mit der Praxis©2018 Conference proceedings -
German-American Encounters in Bavaria and Beyond, 1945–2015
©2018 Conference proceedings -
National and Transnational Challenges to the American Imaginary
©2018 Conference proceedings -
Shaping Enlightenment Politics
The Social and Political Impact of the First and Third Earls of Shaftesbury©2018 Conference proceedings -
Inspiring Views from «a' the airts» on Scottish Literatures, Art and Cinema
The First World Congress of Scottish Literatures in Glasgow 2014©2017 Conference proceedings -
Ghosts – or the (Nearly) Invisible
Spectral Phenomena in Literature and the Media©2016 Conference proceedings -
Hemispheric Encounters
The Early United States in a Transnational Perspective©2016 Conference proceedings -
Small Language, what now?
The Theory and Practice of Functional Linguistics in Teaching "Minor" Languages©2016 Conference proceedings -
Scotland 2014 and Beyond – Coming of Age and Loss of Innocence?
©2015 Conference proceedings -
Beyond 9/11
Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Twenty-First Century U.S. American Culture©2013 Conference proceedings -
Literature and Spirituality in the English-Speaking World
©2014 Conference proceedings