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Open Access
Publication Year
- Law, Economics & Management (11699)
- Science, Society & Culture (5068)
- History & Political Science (4818)
- Theology & Philosophy (3801)
- Education (3409)
- Linguistics (3275)
- German Studies (3099)
- Romance Studies (2661)
- English Studies (2018)
- The Arts (1576)
- Media and Communication (1283)
- Slavic Studies (314)
Poems 2000-2005
©2005 Monographs -
Polite Forms
©2012 Monographs -
Reimagining Irish Studies for the Twenty-First Century
©2021 Edited Collection -
Robert Lowell and Irish Poetry
©2020 Edited Collection -
Collisions, Deflections, and Conjunctions
The Representations of Turks and Moors in Italian Folktales©2021 Monographs -
Authorship, Literary Production and Censorship in the Late-Nineteenth Century
Gissing-Hamsun-Halit Ziya©2020 Monographs -
Ethical Issues in College Writing
©1999 Textbook -
JFK: Profile in Literature
©2014 Monographs -
Of fair speche, and of fair answere
©2013 Edited Collection