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Open Access
Publication Year
What Do We Really Know About Herta Herzog?
Exploring the Life and Work of a Pioneer of Communication Research©2016 Conference proceedings -
Tweets from the Campaign Trail
Researching Candidates’ Use of Twitter During the European Parliamentary Elections©2016 Conference proceedings -
Communicating with Power
©2017 Conference proceedings -
Adoleszenz in Medienkontexten
Literaturrezeption, Medienwirkung und Jugendmedienschutz©2016 Conference proceedings -
Körper – Kultur – Kommunikation - Corps – Culture – Communication
©2014 Conference proceedings -
Estrategias argumentativas en el discurso periodístico
©2010 Conference proceedings -
Facing ICT Challenges in the Era of Social Media
©2014 Conference proceedings -
Medien und Demokratie – was der Journalismus heute leistet
©2013 Conference proceedings -
Communication and PR from a Cross-Cultural Standpoint
Practical and Methodological Issues©2012 Conference proceedings -
Media and Materiality in the Neo-Avant-Garde
©2012 Conference proceedings -
The Language Factor in International Business
New Perspectives on Research, Teaching and Practice©2012 Conference proceedings -
Die Medienordnung der Zukunft
Zum 10jährigen Bestehen des Mainzer Medieninstituts©2011 Conference proceedings -
Die Macht der Medien
Medienrechtliches Kolloquium zum 75. Geburtstag von Hartmut Schiedermair©2011 Conference proceedings -
Internet Research Annual
Selected Papers from the Association of Internet Researchers Conference 2004, Volume 3©2005 Conference proceedings -
Internet Research Annual
Selected Papers from the Association of Internet Researchers Conference 2003, Volume 2©2005 Conference proceedings -
The Media and International Communication
©2007 Conference proceedings -
Sprachtechnologie, mobile Kommunikation und linguistische Ressourcen
Beiträge zur GLDV-Tagung 2005 in Bonn©2005 Conference proceedings -
Wissenstransfer durch Sprache als gesellschaftliches Problem
In Zusammenarbeit mit Jörg Palm©2005 Conference proceedings -
E-Text: Strategien und Kompetenzen
Elektronische Kommunikation in Wissenschaft, Bildung und Beruf©2001 Conference proceedings -
Internet Research Annual
Selected Papers from the Association of Internet Researchers Conferences 2000-2002, Volume 1©2004 Conference proceedings -
Dialektübersetzung und Dialekte in Multimedia
©2004 Conference proceedings