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- Law, Economics & Management (11705)
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Communication Theories in a Multicultural World
©2014 Textbook -
Family Communication, Connections, and Health Transitions
Going Through This Together©2011 Textbook -
Chinese Culture in a Cross-Cultural Comparison
©2014 Edited Collection -
Current Approaches in Social Sciences
©2016 Edited Collection -
Discourse, Identities and Roles in Specialized Communication
©2010 Edited Collection -
Observing «and» Analyzing Communication Behavior
©2014 Textbook -
Contextual Approaches in Communication
©2016 Edited Collection -
Der «caso Parmalat» in der Berichterstattung italienischer Print- und Rundfunkmedien
Eine Studie zur sprachlichen Markierung von Corporate Identity, lokaler und nationaler Identität©2010 Thesis -
Identities across Media and Modes: Discursive Perspectives
©2010 Edited Collection -
Derrida’s Deconstruction of the Subject: Writing, Self and Other
Writing, self and other©2014 Thesis -
Philosophical Profiles in the Theory of Communication
With a Foreword by Richard J. Bernstein and an Afterword by John Durham Peters©2012 Monographs