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Harmony Notes Book 2
©2023 Textbook -
Harmony Notes Book 1
©2023 Textbook -
The Thomas Moore Songbook
©2022 Textbook -
Women Making Art
Women in the Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts Since 1960, Second Edition©2020 Textbook -
Music and the Atomic Bomb on American Television, 1950-1969
©2020 Textbook -
Religion Across Television Genres
Community, Orange Is the New Black, The Walking Dead, and Supernatural©2019 Textbook -
Les plantes d’Adonis
©2018 Textbook -
Paris in Architecture, Literature, and Art
©2018 Textbook -
Hip Hop in American Cinema
©2007 Textbook -
Hip Hop DJs and the Evolution of Technology
Cultural Exchange, Innovation, and Democratization©2016 Textbook -
Movies Change Lives
Pedagogy of Constructive Humanistic Transformation Through Cinema©2016 Textbook -
Handbuch Angewandter Dramaturgie
Vom Geheimnis des filmischen Erzählens – Film, TV und Games©2015 Textbook