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Kantor: Non/Presence
©2025 Monographs -
The Communication and Reception of Polish Theatre in China
©2024 Monographs -
Sound Representations of Memory
©2024 Monographs -
The Political Gesture in Pedro Costa’s Films
©2024 Monographs -
Branding «Western Music»
©2024 Edited Collection -
Cathedral Rituals and Chanting Practices among the Medieval Orthodox Slavs – Kondakarnoie Pienie
The Forefeast, Christmas and Epiphany Cycles©2024 Monographs -
How Musical Rhythm Reveals Human Attitudes
An Annotated Translation by Nigel Nettheim©2011 Monographs -
Art, Identity and Cosmopolitanism
William Rothenstein and the British Art World, c.1880–1935©2024 Monographs -
Nordic Design in Translation
The Circulation of Objects, Ideas and Practices©2023 Edited Collection -
Reframing the European Other
Identity and Belonging in Contemporary French and German Cinema©2024 Monographs -
Gesture in French Post-New Wave Cinema
©2023 Monographs -
A Guide to the Songs of Poldowski (Lady Dean Paul) 1879-1932
©2023 Monographs -
Harmony Notes Book 2
©2023 Textbook