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Sport in Paris
Retracing the Culture of Play and Games in the City of Light (1854–2024)©2025 Edited Collection -
Construire l’Autre
Regards croisés sur les productions de missionnaires chrétiens en terres lointaines©2025 Edited Collection -
Kulturpessimismus / Le pessimisme culturel
Analysen & Akteure / Analyses & Acteurs©2025 Edited Collection -
(Non)Commemoration of the Heritage in Eastern Europe
©2025 Edited Collection -
Italien Deutschland transnational
Politik und Kultur in zwei verflochtenen Gesellschaften seit 1848©2025 Edited Collection -
Digital Humanities and Digital Skills in the Future of Work
Edited Collection -
Mers, fleuves et ports européens aux XXe et XXIe siècles
Liber amicorum en hommage à Juergen Elvert©2025 Edited Collection -
Realidades y símbolos en el monacato femenino del mundo hispánico
©2024 Edited Collection -
Ernest Renan. Une pensée complexe
©2025 Edited Collection -
Usages des mots, usages des choses
Quatre études sur la littérature et les artefacts©2024 Edited Collection -
Fighting for Self-Determination, Participation and Control
Statebuilding and the Role of Historical Memories in Chechnya (1986 – 2023)©2024 Edited Collection -
Mines and Water
Interpreting European Industrial Heritage in the Anthropocene©2024 Edited Collection -
Political Imagination and Utopian Energies in Central and Eastern Europe
©2024 Edited Collection -
Guerre et Correspondance
Regards de Français et d’Européens sur la guerre (XVIIIe s. - XXe s.)©2024 Edited Collection -
Akteure und Institutionen visueller Medien im deutsch-tschechischen Kontext
Historische Perspektiven und praktische Einblicke©2024 Edited Collection -
Virtual Reality in den Geisteswissenschaften
Konzepte, Methoden und interkulturelle Anwendungen©2024 Edited Collection -
The armouries of the Spanish nobility
Studies on a powerful signal of social distinction and inequality©2024 Edited Collection -
La santé publique sous Georges Pompidou
Politique, recherche et société (1962-1974)©2024 Edited Collection -
The Ideas and Practice of the Russian Foreign Policy
©2024 Edited Collection -
Frontières en mouvement (Frontem)
Which Models of Cross-Border Cooperation for the EU?©2024 Edited Collection -
Wege aus dem Krieg
Auf der Suche nach Frieden und Stabilität in Nordosteuropa nach 1918©2024 Edited Collection -
Contemporary Understanding of Security and Its Contexts
©2024 Edited Collection