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Deleuze, Guattari, and Global Ecologies of Language Learning
©2023 Textbook -
John Dewey, Albert Barnes, and the Continuity of Art and Life
Revisioning the Arts and Education©2023 Textbook -
The Vigilant God
Providence in the Thought of Augustine, Aquinas, Calvin, and Barth, Second Edition©2018 Textbook -
The Practice of Knowing and Knowing in Practices
©2016 Textbook -
Mark: Recherche sociale
Récit : Matthew Lipman / Manuel : Matthew Lipman et Ann Margaret Sharp / Traduction et adaptation : Nicole Decostre©2009 Textbook -
Recherche éthique / Préface : Marcel Voisin / Traduction et adaptation : Nicole Decostre©2011 Textbook -
Lehrbuch der Patrologie
©2011 Textbook -
The Role of Religion in 21st Century Public Schools
©2010 Textbook -
The Morality of Terrorism
©1998 Textbook -
The Arts, Popular Culture, and Social Change
©2000 Textbook -
Ambiguity in the Western Mind
©2005 Textbook -
Searching for Spirituality in Higher Education
©2007 Textbook -
Euthanasia, Morality and the Law
©2002 Textbook