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Great and Small Games in Central Asia and the South Caucasus
©2022 Edited Collection -
Text, Discourse and Society
Functional and Pragmatic Approaches to Language in Use©2011 Edited Collection -
1000 Jahre Asiatisch-Europäische Begegnung
©2011 Edited Collection -
Tokyo-Brussels Partnership
Security, Development and Knowledge-based Society©2008 Edited Collection -
Myth Connections
The Use of Hindu Myths and Philosophies in R.K. Narayan and Raja Rao- (Enlarged with «The Myth Connection»)©2007 Monographs -
International Mergers and Acquisitions
©2005 Edited Collection -
Teaching of English in Second and Foreign Language Settings
Focus on Malaysia©2004 Edited Collection -
Ethnic Minorities and Politics in Southeast Asia
©2004 Edited Collection -
The Theory and Practice of Free Economic Zones
A Case Study of Tianjin/People’s Republic of China©2004 Thesis -
Complicities: Connections and Divisions
Perspectives on Literatures and Cultures of the Asia-Pacific Region©2003 Edited Collection -
ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting)
Bestandsaufnahme, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer interregionalen Kooperation©2003 Thesis -
Financial Markets for Small Enterprises in Urban and Rural Northern Thailand
Empirical Analysis on the Demand for and Supply of Financial Services, with Particular Emphasis on the Determinants of Credit Access and Borrower Transaction Costs©2002 Thesis -
Power and Primacy: A History of Western Intervention in the Asia-Pacific
2023 Updated Edition©2022 Monographs -
Hizmet Movement, A Lived Experience, and Introspections on Pedagogy
©2024 Monographs -
Nuclear Disarmament for Sustainable and Dynamic Economic Development in the Korean Peninsula
Prospects for a Peaceful Settlement©2017 Conference proceedings -
COTRI Yearbook 2012
©2013 Thesis -
Internal and External Aspects of Japanese Security
©2021 Edited Collection -
South Asia Needs Hybrid Peace
©2022 Prompt