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Security Dilemmas and Challenges in 21st Century Asia
©2020 Edited Collection -
Die Aufgreifkriterien der chinesischen Fusionskontrolle
Minderheitsbeteiligung, Gemeinschaftsunternehmen, konzerninterne Umstrukturierung und neue Fragen zum digitalen Markt aus rechtsvergleichender Sicht mit deutschem und europäischem Recht©2020 Thesis -
«Made in China» als geographische Herkunftsangabe
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Aufstiegs im Rahmen des deutschen Kennzeichenschutzes©2020 Thesis -
Chinese reverse glass painting 1720-1820
An artistic meeting between China and the West. Preface by Danielle Elisseeff©2020 Thesis -
Inner Mongolia, Outer Mongolia
The History of the Division of the "Descendants of Chinggis Khan" in the 20th Century©2022 Prompt -
The United States Involvement in the South China Sea Dispute
©2022 Monographs -
Great and Small Games in Central Asia and the South Caucasus
©2022 Edited Collection -
Urban and Rural China
©2023 Monographs -
Changes and Innovations in the Education Institutions
From Regulation to Empowerment©2023 Monographs -
NATO, the U.S., and Cold War 2.0
Transformation of the Transatlantic Alliance and Collective Defense©2023 Monographs -
The Classification of Ethnic Groups in Ancient China
©2023 Monographs -
From Grading to Classification
The Reform and Development Path of Vocational Education©2023 Monographs -
The Distance to China
Twentieth-Century Italian Travel Narratives of Patriotism, Commitment and Disillusion (1898–1985)©2022 Monographs -
«Révolution socialiste» en Chine : gouvernance et discordances
©2023 Monographs -
Economics of the Belt and Road Initiative
©2023 Monographs -
Research on the Fertility Culture of the Dai Ethnic Group in China
©2023 Monographs