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A Comparative History of National Oil Companies
©2010 Conference proceedings -
Post-Merger Intercultural Communication in Multinational Companies
A Linguistic Analysis©2010 Thesis -
Innovation in Multinational Companies
Organisational, International and Regional Dilemmas©2011 Thesis -
Quantitative Vulnerability Assessment for Economic Systems
Vulnerability and the Process of Recovery for Households and Companies in Phang-Nga and Phuket Provinces in Thailand©2012 Thesis -
Die Haftung des Geschäftsleiters in der Insolvenz
Am Beispiel der GmbH und Private Company Limited by Shares©2016 Thesis -
The Takeover of Public Companies as a Mode of Exercising EU Treaty Freedoms
©2017 Edited Collection -
Transnational Company Bargaining and the Europeanization of Industrial Relations
Prospects for a Negotiated Order©2013 Edited Collection -
Management Lessons of a Failed Company
©2021 Monographs -
A Solution for Transnational Labour Regulation?
Company Internationalization and European Works Councils in the Automotive Sector©2016 Monographs -
Shakespeare-Inszenierungen in England- Die «Royal Shakespeare Company» (1960-1982)
Die Royal Shakespeare Company (1960-1982)©1988 Thesis -
Die «charitable company» im englischen Recht
©2001 Thesis -
Marketing Mix Standardisation in International Marketing
An Empirical Investigation of the Degree of Marketing Programme Standardisation in German Companies and its Internal and External Correlates©2002 Thesis -
Communicating Corporate Ethics on the World Wide Web
A Discourse Analysis of Selected Company Web Sites©2003 Thesis -
The Enforcement of Directors’ Duties in Britain and Germany
A Comparative Study with Particular Reference to Large Companies©2004 Monographs -
Globalisation, Company Strategies and Quality of Working Life in Europe
©2004 Conference proceedings -
Die Failing Company Defense im europäischen Recht
Eine Untersuchung zur Berücksichtigung von Sanierungsgesichtspunkten in der europäischen Fusionskontrolle©2004 Thesis -
Company Strategies and Organisational Evolution in the Automotive Sector: A Worldwide Perspective
A Worldwide Perspective©2005 Conference proceedings