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Publication Schedule
Open Access
Publication Year
- Science, Society & Culture (249)
- English Studies (188)
- Education (157)
- History & Political Science (143)
- Media and Communication (137)
- Romance Studies (124)
- The Arts (82)
- Linguistics (74)
- Theology & Philosophy (73)
- German Studies (62)
- Law, Economics & Management (26)
- Slavic Studies (11)
Fashion, Consumption and Everyday Culture in the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1985
©2014 Edited Collection -
Kulturpolitik und Politik der Kultur- Cultural Politics and the Politics of Culture
Festschrift für Alexander Stephan- Essays to Honor Alexander Stephan©2007 Others -
Russian Second-Language Textbooks and Identity in the Universe of Discourse
A Contribution to Macropragmatics©2004 Monographs -
Glossar zur Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Stadt
©2023 Others -
Plurilingual literacy practices at school and in teacher education
©2018 Edited Collection -
Ethik gegen Machtpolitik
Immanuel Kants Friedensschrift im Kontext des Zeitalters der Aufklärung©2011 Monographs