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Education, Mondialisation et Citoyenneté
Enjeux démocratiques et pratiques culturelles©2020 Edited Collection -
Empowering Teachers Across Cultures- Enfoques críticos- Perspectives croisées
Enfoques críticos. Perspectives croisées©2011 Edited Collection -
Just a Process
Views on the Relations between Research, Practice and Politics in the Sector of VET- Festschrift for Anja Heikkinen- Edited by Philipp Gonon, Lorenz Lassnigg and Manfred Wahle©2014 Others -
Rules of Behavior and Interaction in German and Brazilian Classrooms
(Inter)cultural Uses of the Word in Schools©2017 Monographs -
Who Do They Think They Are?
Teenage Girls and Their Avatars in Spaces of Social Online Communication©2010 Textbook -
Education and the Crisis of Public Values
Challenging the Assault on Teachers, Students, & Public Education©2011 Textbook -
Diaspora Studies in Education
Toward a Framework for Understanding the Experiences of Transnational Communities©2015 Textbook -
Learning What You Cannot Say
Teaching Free Speech and Political Literacy in an Authoritarian Age©2015 Monographs -
Contested Sites in Education
The Quest for the Public Intellectual, Identity and Service©2015 Textbook -
Teaching with Disney
©2016 Textbook -
Dreams and Deception
Sports Lure, Racism, and Young Black Males' Struggles in Sports and Education©2017 Textbook -
Creativity and Innovation in Language Education
©2013 Conference proceedings -
Intercultural Policies and Education
©2012 Edited Collection -
Transforming Language Teaching and Learning
Three International Teacher Education Studies©2018 Monographs -
Petites enfances, migrations et diversités
©2013 Edited Collection -
Communiquer en langue étrangère
De compétences culturelles vers des compétences linguistiques©2012 Monographs