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CIUTI-Forum 2012
Translators and interpreters as key actors in global networking©2013 Conference proceedings -
Sámi Education
©2013 Others -
Who Do They Think They Are?
Teenage Girls and Their Avatars in Spaces of Social Online Communication©2010 Textbook -
The Myth of the Normal Curve
©2010 Textbook -
Education and the Crisis of Public Values
Challenging the Assault on Teachers, Students, & Public Education©2011 Textbook -
Every Person Is a Philosopher
Lessons in Educational Emancipation from the Radical Teaching Life of Hal Adams©2016 Textbook -
The World Leaders in Education
Lessons from the Successes and Drawbacks of Their Methods©2016 Textbook -
Dreams and Deception
Sports Lure, Racism, and Young Black Males' Struggles in Sports and Education©2017 Textbook -
From the Parade Child to the King of Chaos
The Complex Journey of William Doll, Teacher Educator©2016 Textbook -
Building a Research-Rich Teaching Profession
The Promises and Challenges of Doctoral Studies as a Form of Teacher Professional Development©2021 Monographs -
Ideology and the Politics of (In)Exclusion
©2004 Textbook