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Environmental Argument and Cultural Difference
Locations, Fractures and Deliberations©2008 Conference proceedings -
CIUTI-Forum 2014
Pooling Academic Excellence with Entrepreneurship for New Partnerships©2015 Conference proceedings -
Sustainable Chemistry and Biotechnology – A Contribution to Rivers Management
©2006 Conference proceedings -
Science and Environmental Education
Towards the Integration of Science Education, Experimental Science Activities and Environmental Education©2008 Conference proceedings -
Quality of Life and Working Life in Comparison
©2009 Conference proceedings -
Low-Input Agricultural Technologies for Sub-Saharan Africa
©2011 Conference proceedings -
World Trends in Environmental Education
©2004 Conference proceedings -
Integrative approaches towards sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region
©2004 Conference proceedings -
International Perspectives in Environmental Education
©2004 Conference proceedings -
Sustainability in the Australasian University Context
©2006 Conference proceedings -
Sustainable Development in the Baltic and Beyond
©2006 Conference proceedings -
Innovative Approaches to Education for Sustainable Development
©2006 Conference proceedings