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- History & Political Science (1200)
- Science, Society & Culture (21)
- Theology & Philosophy (17)
- English Studies (16)
- German Studies (10)
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Time for a European federation
How Europe could remain relevant in the century of globalization, climate change and the fourth industrial revolution©2022 Monographs -
The Borders of Schengen
©2016 Edited Collection -
Trade Unions in the European Union
©2023 Edited Collection -
Comment comprendre la «crise» de l’Etat postcolonial en Afrique?
Un essai d’explication structurelle à partir des cas de l’Angola, du Congo-Brazzaville, du Congo-Kinshasa, du Liberia et du Rwanda©2006 Thesis -
National Monuments and Nationalism in 19th Century Germany
©2009 Monographs -
From Post-Communism toward the third Millennium
Aspects of Political and Economic Development in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe from 2000-2005©2012 Edited Collection -
Rethinking East-Central Europe: family systems and co-residence in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Volume 1: Contexts and analyses – Volume 2: Data quality assessments, documentation, and bibliography©2015 Monographs -
Networks of Empire
The US State Department’s Foreign Leader Program in the Netherlands, France, and Britain 1950–70©2008 Monographs -
The Open Method of Co-ordination in Action
The European Employment and Social Inclusion Strategies – Second Printing©2005 Conference proceedings -
How and Why Do Policies Change?
A Comparison of Renewable Electricity Policies in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK©2008 Monographs -
Imagining Europe
Europe and European Civilisation as Seen from its Margins and by the Rest of the World, in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries©2008 Conference proceedings -
Pensions in Europe, European Pensions
The Evolution of Pension Policy at National and Supranational Level©2009 Monographs -
The Road Europe Travelled Along
The Evolution of the EEC/EU Institutions and Policies©2010 Conference proceedings -
New Europe, New World?
The European Union, Europe and the Challenges of the 21 st Century©2010 Conference proceedings -
Les trajectoires de l’innovation technologique et la construction européenne / Trends in Technological Innovation and the European Construction
Des voies de structuration durable ? / The Emerging of Enduring Dynamics?©2010 Conference proceedings -
Europe in the International Arena during the 1970s / L’Europe sur la scène internationale dans les années 1970
Entering a different world / À la découverte d’un nouveau monde©2011 Edited Collection