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Open Access
Publication Year
- Law, Economics & Management (11699)
- Science, Society & Culture (5068)
- History & Political Science (4818)
- Theology & Philosophy (3801)
- Education (3409)
- Linguistics (3275)
- German Studies (3099)
- Romance Studies (2661)
- English Studies (2020)
- The Arts (1576)
- Media and Communication (1283)
- Slavic Studies (314)
Analogie e incognite
La matematica come forma di conoscenza in Paul Valéry, Robert Musil, Hermann Broch, Virginia WoolfMonographs -
Les rapports Cuba-France au prisme de ses médiatrices et médiateurs
Arts, sciences et politique, 1952-1971Monographs -
Reformers, Activists, Intellectuals, and the Circulation of Knowledge
Studies in Social, Cultural, and Popular Educational Movements in Europe, 1815–1973Edited Collection -
Social Foundations of Education Reader
Critical Essays on Teaching, Learning, and Leading (Volume II)©2025 Textbook -
Les figures tutélaires dans la poésie et la prose de langue allemande aux 20e et 21e siècles
Entre filiations, rejet et création©2025 Conference proceedings -
Predicting Insider Espionage — A Five-Factor Model
©2024 Monographs -
Analysis of the Development of Beijing (2022)
©2025 Monographs -
It’s Not Rocket Science!
Designing Meaningful Learning Experiences in the Elementary Classroom©2025 Textbook -
Rezeptionsgeschichte der neuen Dichtung (1917–1949) in China
©2025 Monographs -
Las paremias de la comida y la bebida en español y polaco
©2025 Monographs -
Русско-французские лексические параллели / Les parallèles lexicaux russes-français
Теоретическое обоснование и словарь / Fondements théoriques et Dictionnaire©2025 Monographs -
Communicating a World-in-Crisis
©2025 Textbook -
Literaturvermittlung im virtuellen Raum
Beiträge zur digitalen germanistischen Hochschullehre©2024 Edited Collection -
Sport in Paris
Retracing the Culture of Play and Games in the City of Light (1854–2024)©2025 Edited Collection -
Étude sur la grammaire discursive du chinois
©2025 Monographs -
Frame-basierte Rechtsübersetzung
Frame-Semantik als ontologisches und rechtstranslatorisches Analyseinstrument am Beispiel französischer und bundesdeutscher Rechtsterminologie©2025 Monographs