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Jesus Christ in World History
His Presence and Representation in Cyclical and Linear Settings- With the Assistance of Robert T. Coote©2009 Monographs -
Political History of Guinea since World War Two
©2014 Monographs -
The Sacred Cause
The Europe that was Lost – Thoughts on Central and Eastern European Modernism©2013 Monographs -
The Victorian Legacy in Political Thought
©2014 Edited Collection -
Raymond Aron and His Dialogues in an Age of Ideologies
©2023 Monographs -
Trends and Issues in African Philosophy
©2010 Monographs -
Three Continents
Political Economy and Development of Democracy in Europe, the United States and Latin America©2022 Edited Collection -
Lectures on China's Traditional Political Thoughts
©2023 Monographs -
Metalinguistic Perspectives on Germanic Languages
European Case Studies from Past to Present©2016 Edited Collection -
Invisible Languages in the Nineteenth Century
©2015 Edited Collection -
Linguistic Landscapes, Multilingualism and Social Change
©2013 Edited Collection -
Theorizing Ambivalence in Ang Lee's Transnational Cinema
©2012 Monographs -
Literary Retranslation in Context
Edited Collection -
«The Jewish Press» – A Gevalt from the Torah True
An Examination of the Concepts Holocaust and Israel in the American Jewish Newspaper «The Jewish Press»©2015 Thesis -
Listening to the French New Wave
The Film Music and Composers of Postwar French Art Cinema©2014 Monographs -
Reframing Realities through Translation
Edited Collection