5 results
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  • Title: Japan and Enlarged Europe

    Japan and Enlarged Europe

    Partners in Global Governance
    by Takako Ueta (Volume editor) Éric Remacle (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Conference proceedings
  • Title: The Environmental Challenges for Japan and Germany

    The Environmental Challenges for Japan and Germany

    Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
    by György Széll (Volume editor) Ken'ichi Tominaga (Volume editor)
    ©2004 Conference proceedings
  • Title: History Education and Reconciliation

    History Education and Reconciliation

    Comparative Perspectives on East Asia
    by Unsuk Han (Volume editor) Takahiro Kondo (Volume editor) Biao Yang (Volume editor) Falk Pingel (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Phases of the History of English

    Phases of the History of English

    Selection of Papers Read at SHELL 2012
    by Michio Hosaka (Volume editor) Michiko Ogura (Volume editor) Hironori Suzuki (Volume editor) Akinobu Tani (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2014 Conference proceedings
  • Title: CIUTI-Forum 2012

    CIUTI-Forum 2012

    Translators and interpreters as key actors in global networking
    by Hannelore Lee-Jahnke (Volume editor) Martin Forstner (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2013 Conference proceedings
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