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Derrida’s Deconstruction of the Subject: Writing, Self and Other
Writing, self and other©2014 Thesis -
Metaphors of Light
Philipp K. Marheineke's Method and the Ongoing Program of Mediation Theology©1998 Thesis -
Loqui est revelare – verbum ostensio mentis
Die sprachphilosophischen Jagdzüge des Nikolaus Cusanus©2002 Thesis -
Heidegger and a New Possibility of Dwelling
©2003 Thesis -
Humanism in Husserl and Aquinas
Contrast between a Phenomenological Concept of Man and a Realistic Concept of Man©2003 Thesis -
Logica e metafisica nel Kant precritico
L’ambiente intellettuale di Königsberg e la formazione della filosofia kantiana©2010 Thesis