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  • Title: Beyond the Back Room

    Beyond the Back Room

    New Perspectives on Carmen Martín Gaite
    by Marian Womack (Volume editor) Jennifer Wood (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Edited Collection
  • Title: Littérature de jeunesse : la fabrique de la fiction

    Littérature de jeunesse : la fabrique de la fiction

    by Philippe Clermont (Volume editor) Danièle Henky (Volume editor) 2017
    ©2017 Edited Collection
  • Title: Journeys of Formation

    Journeys of Formation

    The Spanish American "Bildungsroman</I>
    by Yolanda A. Doub (Author) 2011
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: Critical Essays on Michel Butor’s «L’Emploi du temps»

    Critical Essays on Michel Butor’s «L’Emploi du temps»

    by Sudarsan Rangarajan (Author) 2013
    ©2013 Monographs
  • Title: Realism and Its Vicissitudes

    Realism and Its Vicissitudes

    Essays in Honor of Sandy Petrey
    by Robert Harvey (Volume editor) Patrice Nganang (Volume editor) 2015
    ©2015 Monographs
  • Title: Display and Disguise

    Display and Disguise

    by Manon Mathias (Volume editor) Maria O'Sullivan (Volume editor) Ruth Vorstman (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Adaptation


    Studies in French and Francophone Culture
    by Neil Archer (Volume editor) Andreea Weisl-Shaw (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Power and Subjectivity in the Late Work of Roland Barthes and Pier Paolo Pasolini
  • Title: Fictions of Appetite

    Fictions of Appetite

    Alimentary Discourses in Italian Modernist Literature
    by Enrico Cesaretti (Author) 2013
    ©2013 Monographs
  • Title: A Class Apart

    A Class Apart

    The Military Man in French and British Fiction, 1740–1789
    by Karen Lacey (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Monographs
  • Title: The Colombian Political Novel 1951–1987

    The Colombian Political Novel 1951–1987

    A Critical Contribution
    by Alvaro Quiroga-Cifuentes (Author) 2015
    ©2015 Monographs
  • Title: Pets and their Couples

    Pets and their Couples

    Chardin, Charrière, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, and Marivaux
    by Servanne Woodward (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Monographs
  • Title: The Dilemma of Modernity

    The Dilemma of Modernity

    Ramón Gómez de la Serna and the Spanish Modernist Novel
    by John A. McCulloch (Author) 2012
    ©2007 Monographs
  • Title: A Companion to João Paulo Borges Coelho

    A Companion to João Paulo Borges Coelho

    Rewriting the (Post)Colonial Remains
    by Elena Brugioni (Volume editor) Orlando Grossegesse (Volume editor) Paulo de Medeiros (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: Pirandello Proto-Modernist

    Pirandello Proto-Modernist

    A new reading of «L’esclusa»
    by Bradford Masoni (Author) 2019
    ©2019 Monographs
  • Title: Italian Chimeras

    Italian Chimeras

    Narrating Italy through the Writing of Sebastiano Vassalli
    by Meriel Tulante (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: The Evolution of Proust’s «Combray»

    The Evolution of Proust’s «Combray»

    A Genetic Study
    by Maureen A. Ramsden (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: Mothers Voicing Mothering?

    Mothers Voicing Mothering?

    The Representation of Motherhood in the Novels and Short Stories of Marie NDiaye
    by Pauline Eaton (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • Title: Visions/Revisions


    Essays on Nineteenth-Century French Culture
    by Nigel Harkness (Volume editor) Paul Rowe (Volume editor) Tim Unwin (Volume editor) Jennifer Yee (Volume editor)
    ©2003 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Uncertain Relations

    Uncertain Relations

    Some Configurations of the ‘Third Space’ in Francophone Writings of the Americas and of Europe
    by Rachel Killick (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Currencies


    Fiscal Fortunes and Cultural Capital in Nineteenth-Century France
    by Sarah Capitanio (Volume editor) Lisa Downing (Volume editor) Paul Rowe (Volume editor) Nicholas White (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Three Italian Epistolary Novels

    Three Italian Epistolary Novels

    Foscolo, De Meis, Piovene – Translations, Introductions, and Backgrounds
    by Vincenzo Traversa (Author)
    ©2006 Monographs
  • Title: Digression


    A Narrative Strategy in the Italian Novel
    by Olivia Santovetti (Author)
    ©2007 Monographs
  • Title: Remembering the (Post)Colonial Self

    Remembering the (Post)Colonial Self

    Memory and Identity in the Novels of Assia Djebar
    by Jennifer Murray (Author)
    ©2008 Monographs
  • Title: Masques et mirages

    Masques et mirages

    Genèse du roman chez Cortázar, Perec et Villemaire
    by Danielle Constantin (Author)
    ©2008 Monographs
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