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- Law, Economics & Management (11705)
- Science, Society & Culture (5072)
- History & Political Science (4822)
- Theology & Philosophy (3802)
- Education (3409)
- Linguistics (3283)
- German Studies (3101)
- Romance Studies (2661)
- English Studies (2025)
- The Arts (1581)
- Media and Communication (1281)
- Slavic Studies (314)
Границы, пороги, лиминальность и субъективность в современной поэзии
©2020 Edited Collection -
Wiener Slawistischer Almanach Band 83/2019
©2019 Edited Collection -
The Interpretation of Nizami’s Cultural Heritage in the Contemporary Period
Shared past and cultural legacy in the transition from the prism of national literature criteria©2020 Conference proceedings -
Anthropozän und Nachhaltigkeit
Denkanstöße zur Klimakrise und für ein zukunftsfähiges Handeln©2020 Monographs -
Linguistische Beiträge zur Slavistik
XXVI. und XXVII. JungslavistInnen-Treffen, 6. bis 8. September 2017 in Bamberg und 12. bis 14. September 2018 in Heidelberg©2020 Conference proceedings -
Языковые категории в сознании и творчестве русского поэта
©2020 Monographs -
Sexuality: From Intimacy to Politics
With Focus on Slovakia in the Globalized World©2020 Monographs -
Linguistische Beiträge zur Slavistik
XXVIII. JungslavistInnen-Treffen, 18. bis 20. September 2019 in Hamburg©2021 Conference proceedings -
Écrire et penser le genre en contextes postcoloniaux
©2017 Conference proceedings -
Modèles de la ville durable en Asie / Asian models of sustainable city
Utopies, circulation des pratiques, gouvernance / Utopia, circulation of practices, governance©2017 Edited Collection -
Portraits of the Artist
Dionysian Creativity in Selected Works by Gabriele D’Annunzio and Thomas MannMonographs -
Culture et (in)dépendance
Les enjeux de l’indépendance dans les industries culturelles©2017 Edited Collection -
La nature, l’autre «frontière»
Fronts écologiques au Sud (Afrique du Sud, Argentine, Chili)©2018 Monographs -
Language Shift in Southern New England
Morphosyntactic Variation in Franco-American FrenchMonographs -
Die Welt der Slaven. Jahrgang LX (2015) Heft 1
©2015 Others -
Tvorenija 1906-1908 g
©2015 Others -
Il poema non umano dei tecnicismi
©2014 Others -
Canto eroi e macchine della guerra mussoliniana
©2014 Others -
Democrazia futurista: dinamismo politico
©2014 Others -
L'alcova d'acciaio: romanzo vissuto
©2014 Others