5 results
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  • Title: Lucky Per

    Lucky Per

    Translated from the Danish with an Afterword by Naomi Lebowitz
    by Naomi Lebowitz (Author) 2010
    ©2011 Monographs
  • Title: Songbirds on the Literary Stage

    Songbirds on the Literary Stage

    The Woman Singer and her Song in French and German Prose Fiction, from Goethe to Berlioz
    by Julia Effertz (Author) 2015
    ©2015 Monographs
  • Title: The Revival of the Russian Literary Avantgarde

    The Revival of the Russian Literary Avantgarde

    The Thaw Generation and Beyond
    by Irene E. Kolchinsky (Author) 2001
    ©2001 Monographs
  • Title: Don't Weep a Gold Chain

    Don't Weep a Gold Chain

    Observations on Primary and Secondary Systems in Russian Classical and Romantic Art and Literature
    by Paul M. Waszink (Author) 2003
    ©2003 Monographs
  • Title: World under Revision

    World under Revision

    The Poetry of Wisława Szymborska
    by Wojciech Ligęza (Author) 2019
    ©2019 Monographs
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