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Accent and Identity in Learner Varieties of English
A Study with German and French University Students in an English as a Lingua Franca Setting©2018 Thesis -
Achievements and Perspectives in SLA of Speech: New Sounds 2010
Volume I©2011 Conference proceedings -
Achievements and Perspectives in SLA of Speech: New Sounds 2010
Volume II©2011 Conference proceedings -
Applied Linguistics Research and Methodology
Proceedings from the 2015 CALS conference©2017 Conference proceedings -
Becoming Multilingual
Language Learning and Language Policy between Attitudes and Identities©2011 Edited Collection -
Child Second Language Development in Immersion Education
A Study on Generic Determiner Phrases in L2 German and L2 French©2022 Thesis -
Cognitive Insights into Discourse Markers and Second Language Acquisition
©2019 Edited Collection -
Content and Foreign Language Integrated Learning
Contributions to Multilingualism in European Contexts©2011 Edited Collection -
Content and Language Integrated Learning: Cultural Diversity
©2009 Edited Collection -
Current Perspectives in Second Language Vocabulary Research
©2012 Edited Collection -
English in International Deaf Communication
©2008 Conference proceedings -
Explorations in Second Language Vocabulary Research
©2018 Edited Collection -
Extroversion/Introversion in Foreign Language Learning
Interactions with Learner Strategy Use©2009 Monographs -
Learner and Teacher Autonomy in Higher Education: Perspectives from Modern Language Teaching
©2017 Edited Collection -
Lexical Categories and Root Classes in Amerindian Languages
©2006 Conference proceedings -
New Trends and Methodologies in Applied English Language Research
Diachronic, Diatopic and Contrastive Studies©2009 Edited Collection -
«No, they won’t ‘just sound like each other’»
NNS-NNS Negotiated Interaction and Attention to Phonological Form on Targeted L2 Pronunciation Tasks©2009 Thesis -
Non-native Speech
A Corpus-based Analysis of Phonological and Phonetic Properties of L2 English and German©2009 Postdoctoral Thesis -
Reticence and Anxiety in Oral English Lessons
©2009 Thesis