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Publication Year
Engaging the Critical in English Education
Approaches from the Commission on Social Justice in Teacher Education©2020 Textbook -
Discourse and Contemporary Social Change
©2007 Conference proceedings -
The Open Method of Co-ordination in Action
The European Employment and Social Inclusion Strategies – Second Printing©2005 Conference proceedings -
Generations at Work and Social Cohesion in Europe
©2010 Edited Collection -
European Business: Corporate and Social Values
©2011 Conference proceedings -
Renewing Democratic Deliberation in Europe
The Challenge of Social and Civil Dialogue©2012 Edited Collection -
Towards a Normal Stratification Order
Actual and Perceived Social Stratification in Post-Socialist Estonia©2011 Edited Collection -
Language Awareness in Teacher Education
Cultural-Political and Social-Educational Perspectives©2011 Edited Collection -
The Meta-Power Paradigm
Impacts and Transformations of Agents, Institutions, and Social Systems-- Capitalism, State, and Democracy in a Global Context©2013 Edited Collection -
Linguistic Landscapes, Multilingualism and Social Change
©2013 Edited Collection -
Information Propagation on the Web 2.0
Two Essays on the Propagation of User-Generated Content and How It Is Affected by Social Networks©2012 Thesis -
Morality Behind Bars
An Intervention Study on Fostering Moral Competence of Prisoners as a New Approach to Social Rehabilitation©2014 Thesis -
Greek Social Economy Revisited
Voluntary, Civic and Cooperative Challenges in the 21 st Century©2012 Monographs -
Dialect Contact and Social Networks
Language Change in an Anglophone Community in Japan©2014 Thesis