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Imagining Europe
Europe and European Civilisation as Seen from its Margins and by the Rest of the World, in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries©2008 Conference proceedings -
The Orthodox Church in Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century
©2011 Monographs -
Between the Great Show of the Party-State and Religious Counter-Cultures- Zwischen partei-staatlicher Selbstinszenierung und kirchlichen Gegenwelten
Public Spheres in Soviet-Type Societies- Sphären von Öffentlichkeit in Gesellschaften sowjetischen Typs©2003 Edited Collection -
Stanislavsky and Meyerhold
©2003 Monographs -
Agents of the Revolution
New Biographical Approaches to the History of International Communism in the Age of Lenin and Stalin©2005 Conference proceedings -
«Leviathan-» Between the Wars
Hobbes’ Impact on Early Twentieth Century Political Philosophy©2005 Conference proceedings -
Behind the Legends
The Cult of Personality and Self-Presentation in the Literary Works of Stefan Heym©2009 Monographs -
Flight from the Red Hell
©2020 Monographs -
Civility in Uncivil Times
Kazimierz Moczarski's Quiet Battle for Truth, from the Polish Underground to Stalinist Prison©2020 Monographs -
Dealing with the Devil
Anglo-Soviet Intelligence Cooperation During the Second World War©2010 Monographs -
The Mysterious Death of Jan “Anoda” Rodowicz
©2023 Monographs