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CIUTI-Forum 2012
Translators and interpreters as key actors in global networking©2013 Conference proceedings -
Teachers and Youth in Educational Reality
©2014 Edited Collection -
Effective or Wise?
Teaching and the Meaning of Professional Dispositions in Education©2014 Textbook -
New Ways to Teach and Learn in China and Finland
Crossing Boundaries with Technology©2016 Edited Collection -
A Guide to LGBTQ+ Inclusion on Campus, Post-PULSE
©2017 Textbook -
Goethe's Melodrama with Music by Carl Eberwein, Orchestral Score, Piano Reduction, and Translation©2007 Monographs -
Internationalization in Action
Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion in Globalized Classrooms©2020 Textbook -
Teaching in Moral and Democratic Education
©2003 Edited Collection -
Computer-Mediated Negotiation Across Borders
German-American Collaboration in Language Teacher Education©2006 Thesis -
Where Do We Go from Here?
Issues in the Sustainability of Professional Development School Partnerships©2006 Textbook -
The Ethical Educator
Integrating Ethics within the Context of Teaching and Teacher Research©2007 Textbook -
People, Products, and Professions
Choosing a Name, Choosing a Language - Fachleute, Firmennamen und Fremdsprachen©2009 Conference proceedings -
Case Studies in Courageous Organizational Communication
Research and Practice for Effective Workplaces©2017 Textbook -
New Methods of Special Education
©2018 Edited Collection -
Blue Raincoat Theatre Company
©2015 Monographs -
Opening Pathways, Building Bridges
Skilled Migration of Mexican Scientists and Engineers to the UK©2020 Monographs -
Factors and Actors
A Global Perspective on the Present, Past and Future of Factoring©2018 Edited Collection