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Ahasuerus at the Easel
Jewish Art and Jewish Artists in Central and Eastern European Modernism at the Turn of the Last Century©2014 Monographs -
Prolegomena to the Study of Modern Philosophy
©2016 Monographs -
The Conception of Man in the Works of John Amos Comenius
©2016 Monographs -
The Liberal Spirit and Anti-Liberal Discourse of John Henry Newman
©2012 Monographs -
Robert Musil's Intellectual Affinities
©2017 Conference proceedings -
The Language of Polish Modernism
©2017 Monographs -
Freedom, Equality, Power
The Ontological Consequences of the Political Philosophies of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau©1999 Monographs -
Essays in Classics, Comparative Literature, and Philosophy Presented to Professor Roy Arthur Swanson on the Occasion of his Seventy-Fifth Birthday©2005 Monographs -
Scripture and Deism
The Biblical Criticism of the Eighteenth-Century British Deists©2008 Monographs -
Philosophical Aesthetics and Samuel Beckett
©2008 Monographs -
The Metaphysical Vision
Arthur Schopenhauer’s Philosophy of Art and Life and Samuel Beckett’s Own Way to Make Use of It©2008 Monographs -
Dialectic of Sedimentation and Innovation
Paul Ricoeur on Creativity after the Subject©2009 Monographs -
Seeking Viable Grassroots Representation Mechanisms in African Constitutions
Integration of Indigenous and Modern Systems of Government in Sub-Saharan Africa©2009 Monographs -
The Road to Self-Revival
Sufism, Heritage, Intertextuality and Meta-Poetry in Modern Arabic Poetry©2011 Monographs -
Phenomenology, Modernism and Beyond
©2010 Conference proceedings -
Errant Letters: Jacques Rancière and the Philosophy of Literature
©2023 Monographs