11 results
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  • Title: Acta Germanica

    Acta Germanica

    German Studies in Africa
    by Cilliers van den Berg (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2019 Thesis
  • Title: Acta Germanica

    Acta Germanica

    German Studies in Africa
    by Cilliers van den Berg (Volume editor) 2023
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: Back to the Future

    Back to the Future

    Tradition and Innovation in German Studies
    by Marc Silberman (Volume editor) 2018
    Edited Collection
  • Title: Children of the Liberation

    Children of the Liberation

    Transatlantic Experiences and Perspectives of Black Germans of the Post-War Generation
    by Marion Kraft (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: Critical Time in Modern German Literature and Culture

    Critical Time in Modern German Literature and Culture

    by Dirk Göttsche (Volume editor) 2016
    ©2016 Edited Collection
  • Title: Edgar Reitz’s «Heimat»

    Edgar Reitz’s «Heimat»

    Histories, Traditions, Fictions
    by Rachel Palfreyman (Author)
    ©2000 Monographs
  • Title: Günter Grass’s ‘Danzig Quintet’

    Günter Grass’s ‘Danzig Quintet’

    Explorations in the Memory and History of the Nazi Era from "Die Blechtrommel</I> to "Im Krebsgang</I>
    by Katharina Hall (Author)
    ©2007 Monographs
  • Title: Memory and Postcolonial Studies

    Memory and Postcolonial Studies

    Synergies and New Directions
    by Dirk Göttsche (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: Rereading Monika Maron

    Rereading Monika Maron

    Text, Counter-Text and Context
    by Deirdre Byrnes (Author) 2011
    ©2011 Monographs
  • Title: The GDR Today

    The GDR Today

    New Interdisciplinary Approaches to East German History, Memory and Culture
    by Stephan Ehrig (Volume editor) Marcel Thomas (Volume editor) David Zell (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2018 Edited Collection
  • Title: War-torn Tales

    War-torn Tales

    Literature, Film and Gender in the Aftermath of World War II
    by Danielle Hipkins (Volume editor) Gill Plain (Volume editor)
    ©2008 Conference proceedings
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