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The Open Method of Co-ordination in Action
The European Employment and Social Inclusion Strategies – Second Printing©2005 Conference proceedings -
Social capital, migration, ethnic diversity and economic performance
Multidisciplinary evidence from South-East Europe©2017 Monographs -
Inventer l‘Europe
Histoire nouvelle des groupes d‘influence et des acteurs de l‘unité européenne©2003 Conference proceedings -
American Foundations in Europe
Grant-Giving Policies, Cultural Diplomacy and Trans-Atlantic Relations, 1920-1980©2003 Edited Collection -
Legacy and Contribution to Canada of European Female Emigrants
©2003 Conference proceedings -
Histoire économique et sociale de la construction européenne
©2008 Monographs -
Social Cohesion in Europe and the Americas / Cohesión social en Europa y las Américas
Power, Time and Space / Poder, tiempo y espacio©2009 Conference proceedings -
The People of Poland at War: 1914-1918
©2021 Monographs -
Science and Catholicism in the Universities of South-East Europe
1800 to 1920©2023 Edited Collection -
Political Imagination and Utopian Energies in Central and Eastern Europe
©2022 Edited Collection