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Generations at Work and Social Cohesion in Europe
©2010 Edited Collection -
Le rôle de l’économie sociale dans les dynamiques socioéconomiques locales
Des concepts aux initiatives d’innovation sociale à l’échelle des quartiers en Europe et à Roubaix, France©2011 Monographs -
Renewing Democratic Deliberation in Europe
The Challenge of Social and Civil Dialogue©2012 Edited Collection -
Implementing Activation Policies
An Analysis of Social and Labour Market Policy Reforms in Continental Europe with a Focus on Local Case Studies in France and Germany©2015 Thesis -
Informality in Eastern Europe
Structures, Political Cultures and Social Practices©2013 Edited Collection -
Fermer les mines en construisant l’Europe
Une histoire sociale de l’intégration européenne©2013 Monographs -
Christian Democrat Internationalism
Its Action in Europe and Worldwide from post World War II until the 1990s- Volume III: The European People’s Party- Continental and Social Cooperation©2015 Edited Collection -
Social capital, migration, ethnic diversity and economic performance
Multidisciplinary evidence from South-East Europe©2017 Monographs -
New Uncertainties and Anxieties in Europe
Seven Waves of the European Social Survey©2018 Edited Collection -
Confrontations au national-socialisme dans l'Europe francophone et germanophone (1919-1949) / Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Nationalsozialismus im deutsch- und französischsprachigen Europa (1919-1949
Volume 2: Les libéraux, modérés et européistes/Band 2: die Liberalen, Modérés und Proeuropäer©2018 Edited Collection -
Confrontations au national-socialisme dans l'Europe francophone et germanophone (1919-1949) / Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Nationalsozialismus im deutsch- und französischsprachigen Europa (1919-1949)
Volume 4: Conservateurs, nationalistes, anciens nationaux-socialistes/Band 4: Konservative, Nationalisten, ehemalige Nationalsozialisten©2020 Edited Collection -
Confrontations au national-socialisme dans l'Europe francophone et germanophone (1919-1949)/ Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Nationalsozialismus im deutsch- und französischsprachigen Europa (1919-1949
Volume 3: Les gauches face au national-socialisme/Band 3: Die Linke und der Nationalsozialismus©2019 Edited Collection -
E-Political Socialization, the Press and Politics
The Media and Government in the USA, Europe and China©2014 Edited Collection -
La nouvelle dynamique des pactes sociaux en Europe
©2001 Edited Collection -
Protection sociale et fédéralisme
L’Europe dans le miroir de l’Amérique du Nord – En coédition avec les Presses de l’Université de Montréal (PUM)©2002 Monographs -
Building Social Europe through the Open Method of Co-ordination
Second Printing©2003 Edited Collection -
Ways into a new «Social Market Economy»
Analytical Approaches for the Democratically Legitimized States in Central and Eastern Europe with Special Reference to The Work of Oswald von Nell-Breuning©2004 Thesis -
Work and Social Inequalities in Health in Europe
©2007 Edited Collection -
Social Cohesion in Europe and the Americas / Cohesión social en Europa y las Américas
Power, Time and Space / Poder, tiempo y espacio©2009 Conference proceedings -
Towards a Knowledge-Based Society in Europe
10 th International Conference on Policies of Economic and Social Development, Sofia, October 5 to 7, 2007©2009 Conference proceedings