» Embodiment «
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Bewusste Inkorporation in der Capoeira Angola
Eine ethnologische Forschung über die Freiheit des Geistes©2012 Thesis -
Language, Action, Interaction
©2013 Edited Collection -
Les littératures du Maghreb et d’Afrique subsaharienne
Lectures croisées I©2016 Conference proceedings -
Logoi and Pathêmata
Aristotle and the modal/amodal distinction in modern theories of concepts©2017 Thesis -
Autobiography, Ecology, and the Well-Placed Self
The Growth of Natural Biography in Contemporary American Life Writing©2011 Monographs -
Preaching to Multiethnic Congregation
Positive Marginality as a Homiletical Paradigm©2015 Monographs -
Religion, Ritual, Theatre
©2009 Conference proceedings -
Calling Upon Gods, Offering Bodies
Strategies of Human-Divine Communication in the Roman Empire from Individual Experience to Social Reproduction©2024 Edited Collection