
For Gerhard Kubik

Festschrift on the occasion of his 60th birthday

by August Schmidhofer (Volume editor) Dietrich Schüller (Volume editor)
©1995 Others XIII, 625 Pages


This volume in honour of Gerhard Kubik comprises a broad range of contributions from among his worldwide circle of friends and admirers. Its contents have been loosely assorted into four sections, reflecting different facets of Kubik's widely varied interests: African Music Studies, Extensions of African Cultures in the Americas, Towards Intercultural Understanding, and Miscellaneous.
Gerhard Kubik, born in 1934 in Vienna, has done - and is still doing - extensive field work in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of South America for 35 years. The impressive results of his research have highly influenced the panorama of African musicology and cultural anthropology.


XIII, 625
ISBN (Softcover)
Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien, 1994. XIII, 625 pp., num. fig., graph. and notes

Biographical notes

August Schmidhofer (Volume editor) Dietrich Schüller (Volume editor)

The Contributors: Moya Aliya Malamusi, Chileka; Maurice Djenda, Nola; Artur Simon, Berlin; Peter R. Cooke, Edinburgh; Manfred Kremser, Vienna; August Schmidhofer, Wien; Veit Erlmann, Berlin; Wolfgang Bender, Mainz; George T. Nurse, London; Ruth M. Stone, Bloomington; Andrew Tracey, Grahamstown; Oskár Elschek, Bratislava; Karl R. Wernhardt, Wien; David Evans, Memphis; Richard Graham, Memphis; Franz Födermayr, Wien; Kazadi wa Mukuna, Kent; Kilza Setti, São Paulo; Max Peter Baumann, Berlin; Ulrich Wegner, Berlin; Tiago de Oliveira Pinto, Berlin; Uwe Seifert, Fabian Olk & Albrecht Schneider, Hamburg; Alfons Michael Dauer, Graz; Giorgio Adamo, Rome; Walter Hirschberg, Wien; Dietrich Schüller, Wien; Michael Weber, Wien; Guilherme dos Santos Barboza, São Paulo


Title: For Gerhard Kubik